Fifty years and countless research projects later, leaders at the GTRI’s Agricultural Technology Research Program (ATRP) say its secret to success remains the same: relationships.
New Ion Cooling Technique Could Simplify Quantum Computing Devices
A new cooling technique that utilizes a single species of trapped ion for both computing and cooling could simplify the use of quantum charge-coupled devices (QCCDs).
This education program allows undergraduate and graduate students to earn academic credit for working with faculty on projects they don't typically encounter in a classroom setting.
Electromagnetic spectrum operations comprise all coordinated actions to exploit, attack, protect, and manage the electromagnetic environment to achieve operational objectives.
Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance (ISR)
ISR projects encompass multiple activities related to the planning and operation of systems that sense, collect, process, and disseminate data in support of current and future military operations
Robotics and Autonomy
Robotics and autonomy projects involve programming and training of intelligent machines capable of performing tasks without explicit human control.
Command, Control, and Communication (C3)
C3 projects enable the exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned forces in the accomplishment of the mission, representing how the DoD makes operational decisions.
Cybersecurity applies technologies, processes, and controls to protect systems, networks, programs, devices, and data from cyberattacks.
Decision Superiority
Decision superiority projects provide analytics-based thought leadership in operations analysis, mission effectiveness, and survivability, and model-based systems engineering research.
Information and Data Science
Projects in this area focus on how to solve problems by studying the properties and behavior of information; organizing, sharing, and interpreting information; and processing information for optimum accessibility and usability.
Projects in this area include projects characterized by aerospace hardware engineering and aeronautical sciences.
Air & Missile Defense (AMD)
This area includes projects intended to prevent and/or defeat adversary air and missile attacks through a combination of deterrence, active and passive defense, and support for attack operations.
Threat Systems Analysis
Projects in this area investigate threat system accessibility, susceptibility, and vulnerability analysis, modeling, and counter-countermeasure development.
Training, Test, and Evaluation
These projects involve comparison against requirements and specifications as well as structured, recursive processes to assure expected performance.
Educate Future Technology Leaders
These activities and projects support the education and development of future technology leaders.
Enhance Economic Impact for the State of Georgia
Projects in this area enhance Georgia’s economy, give Georgia companies an edge, help Georgia government serve its citizens more efficiently and effectively, support military bases in Georgia, and help keep Georgia citizens safe from severe weather.
Improve the Human Condition
These projects prevent or detect disease, support technology applications, and demonstrate new science for space applications.